Friday 2 October 2009

Oh My Goodness!!

Please take a look at my new blog...THE BIG ONE

Wednesday 2 September 2009

1 Down

I finished work an hour early last night and decided that the time had come to start running again. So, back in the old groove, I ran a cold bath and got changed in to my shorts and trainers and hit the street - aiming to do an initial 3 miles to blow away the cobwebs; not that easy though!

I think I managed about 2 miles before the lungs hurt and the legs tightened! Oh dear, there is a lot of work that needs to be done before next March and my 2nd go at the Silverstone half marathon. I can't believe how quickly I've gone from running 10 miles in my training to struggling to do 2 miles! Ah well, I've done it before - I'll do it again!

Next on the agenda is 3 miles on Thursday morning...hopefully!!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Take 2!

I have today submitted my online entry for the 2010 Silverstone Half Marathon which is to be run on Sunday 14th March.

Those of you who kept up to date with my blog for the 2009 run will know that I had a major setback shortly before the run by damaging my collateral ligaments in my right knee. I did however manage to complete the run but to be honest, I was very disappointed with my finish time of 2:37:49. You can see my 'movie' on the original blog to see how I got on.

For me now though, it is all about 14/3/2010 and completing the run in a more respectable time.
My training will start at the end of July, which incidentally will be my first run since the 2009 race day itself, due to aggravating the ligaments during the run. Watch this space for updates on my progress and I look forward updating you at the end of the month.